Monday, December 17, 2012

Too Much Time

Too Much Time
I realize these are tough times.  Unemployment is high, the misery index is high, prices are high, and taxes are high.  People are struggling just to survive.  People are doing whatever they can do to make ends meet, to keep a roof over their head and to feed their family.  And yet some people seem to have just too much time on their hands.

If times are so hard, how do people find the time to protest a church cross which is part of a silhouette used on an official city logo?

There are over 19,000 members of the FREEDOM From Religion Foundation in Madison Wisconsin that have nothing better to do than go around looking for any religious reference or symbols which interfere with the doctrine of separation of Church and State.

Now I am all for keeping the instruction of religion or the establishment of a “State” religion out of this great country of ours, but does the mere mention of religion or the mere inference of a religious symbol constitute a threat to anyone’s pursuit of happiness?

The FFRF finds this cross to be a Steubenville slippery slope to establishing a state Religion

Seems to me these people have too much time on their hands.

The FFRF also is suing a restaurant in Columbia, Pa. because they offer a 10% discount to patrons that bring in a church bulletin.  Hey, I guess they have a point…I know I feel much better knowing church people have to pay full price, but…damn…who has that much time?

The FFRF is suing the city of Woonsocket, Rhode Island for the removal of a cross on a WW I and WW II memorial.  I guess they have a point, I know whenever I travel through Woonsocket and see that cross it just makes me feel damn uncomfortable.  I am just curious…who has that much time?

The Westboro Baptist Church has 40 members with enough time on their hands to protest anything homosexual in this country.  They protest at funerals of gay people and even protest funerals for our soldiers lost in battle because…heck I really don’t know why…something about gay people.

Where do they get the time?

Westboro Baptist Church preaching the gospel of hate


Last year thousands of people camped out in public parks protesting against rich folks.  They want rich people to give them money.  Where do these people get the time?  I guess they are unemployed, but are there jobs in these public parks?  I’ll bet some of the illegal immigrants in this country that are taking the jobs these protestors don’t want will be part of the 1% in ten years.

Look, I don’t mind protests.  The freedom to protest is one of the things that makes this country great.  Protesting keeps people on their toes.  Protesting helps eliminate injustice.

No taxation without representation!

Get the Hell out of Viet Nam!


Discounts for going to church? Sexual orientation? Rich people? A cross on a statue?

Where do they get the time?



Since this post was written twenty-six people, twenty of which were children under seven years old were senselessly murdered in a Connecticut elementary school.  The following headline shocks me beyond belief: 

Westboro Baptist Church Says It Will Picket Vigil For Connecticut School Shooting Victims

These people claim these murders were Gods work to punish our country for its support of homosexuality.  If they are allowed to protest anywhere near the State of Connecticut it will be an abomination.  


  1. THIS PROPOSED PROTEST (& THEIR OTHERS) MAKE ME UNBELIEVABLY ANGRY!! I think we should all go & have a protest in front of Westboro Baptist Church!!

  2. Those self-righteous hate-filled people from Westboro infuriate me. I hate that their "protests" at funerals for our soldiers is protected under the guise of freedom of speech, but it is completely beyond imagination how ANYONE... even those crackpots... could insinuate that kind of crap into what happened in CT.

  3. If we are angered by, and judgmental of, those who judge and condemn the actions of others (whatever they deem them guilty of), we are no better than they are. Yes, we should pity them in their ignorance and lack of compassion, but we shouldn't judge the stupid bastards.

  4. That headline not only shocks me... But overwhelms me with sadness. Sadness that there are people out there so ignorant and stupid...sadness that comes from anger because I know there is no common sense and decency in people like that and there is nothing that could ever be said or done to change it

  5. Too much time, too much anger, too much ignorance, too many people like this who are armed ... and ready...

  6. Bravo Cranky! A privately owned business can give discounts or give their stuff away for FREE if they want. IT'S THEIR BUSINESS!

    But yes, FYI, there IS work in those parks where Occupy Wall Street protested....picking up all the trash left there by the Occupy Wall Street protesters. (Have you seen those pigs?)

    If you read our Constitution carefully it promises freedom OF religion, but does not say anything about freedom FROM religion. If you want to practice a religion, that's fine. The government cannot dictate which religion you must follow, which was common where our Founding Fathers came from.


  7. It took me a while to even FIND that cross in the picture!

  8. Westboro is the sad footnote. We will be known by what we do about equality, war, mental illness and, especially, weapons of war in the hands of those who have no need for them.

  9. Hard to find anything to argue with here, Joe. The Westboro people... Those are the sort of folks who give Christianity a bad name.

  10. I just read about the Westboro protests of the funerals a minute ago on another blog and could not believe it. What is even more sad to me is that THIS is what the world hears of 'Christianity'. You rarely hear of the ones that give beyond explanation, who sacrifice and who love the unloved. The Jesus I know Loves beyond reason, unconditionally and never-ending. Why aren't more seeing THAT love?

  11. I agree, this cultish like church does not speak for everyone, nor every church. It is sad to hear that these people would do that. Reading your post, I remember my mom saying What goes around, comes back around!

  12. Some people just need to GET A JOB! Get a LIFE. And if if they feel so strongly about their cause should they be pushing their kids out in front to carry their signs?????

  13. they stopped having kids. the 2 kids they do have, have only one kid and moved across the country to get a better job. so they have lots of money, big houses and more time than they know what to do with and their lives are but an empty pursuit of something bigger than themselves...but they can't see it because their focus is on they just keep on searching for meaning.

  14. @Suldog - they're the kind of assweasels that give religions a bad name.

  15. Unfortunately, many unhappy people have nothing positive to fill the hole in their lives so they try and plug the hole with hate.
