Monday, June 4, 2012


The 5th Annual Cuts for a Cure was held this Sunday

The Cut-a-Thon is held at Mrs. Cranky's sister's Hair Shop
in memory of her Mother and Father who were both stricken down from this horrible
disease, Pancreatic Cancer.

Maryann with a Cut-a-thon customer

The event drew celebrities.  Here is Mrs. Cranky with a celebrity.

Mrs. Cranky is on the left.

Mrs. C and her sisters Maryann and Donna and her brother John 

Even the media was there.  News 12 interviews John

The event brought in over $8000 all to be delivered to the Lustgarten Foundation for a cure.

Thanke to all who voluntered and all who participated. 

Thanks to everyone who donated through this blog, specifically:
Tom and Barbara A.
Fred and Janet J.
Joe and Judy C.
Silvija Miller
Mike H.

If I missed any other "Friends of the Cranky Old Man" thank you as well.

Cranky Old Man


  1. This is awesome and so glad everyone came together for an awesome cause. Hey Cranky Mrs. Cranky is a hottie!

  2. Hope the day raised mucho bucks for such a worthwhile cause.
