Friday, May 18, 2012



Sad to say I am a reality TV junkie.  I think watching these train wrecks helps improve my own self-esteem.  How you say?

Por Exemplum:

“Usually I’m on the other side of the shoe”Paul the biker dude on “Celebrity Apprentice”

“Well its improv so it doesn’t really need ideas”NJ Housewife Teresa on “Celebrity Apprentice”

“Wait til I show him the Piece of Resistance!”Darrell in “Storage Wars.”

“It was wrong, but not enough for us to re-hatch the past.”- Joe Gorda “NJ Housewives”

“Let’s get to the meat of the potato”- Darrell “Storage Wars”- Hey, he’s said it multiple times.

“I didn’t even know that planes could crash until I saw the movieCastaway’.”Ashley on “Housewives of NJ.”

“Mr. Trump I was the project manager, I overlooked everything!”Teresa on “Celebrity Apprentice”

“I wouldn’t want to be sittin in your shoes.” Pageant head to judges on “Toddlers and Tiaras.”

“I was staying at a friend’s house until I could get my feet together.”Plaintiff on “Judge Alex.”

“You never know, you might meet a richer man with more money.”Teresa (again) “NJ Housewives.”

Who is this month’s stupidest reality TV Star?  It is clearly between Darrell of “Storage Wars” and Teresa of the “NJ Housewives” and “The Celebrity Apprentice.” 

And the winner is:

Even without saying any stupid stuff, the winner has to be Teresa.  Simply looking into her eyes it is clear the power is off. 

“Are you kidding me?” 


  1. OK I am cracking the hell up right now. Yes Teresa that woman is not smart but damn she is laughing all the way to the bank. I swear Cranky I I lose about 10 brain cells everyday with reality TV. Happy Friday!

  2. I'm clearly going to have to start watching telly!

    I have a cracker of my own that I'm desperate to share with you although it was said by a friend rather than celeb but I think it might belong in a post of it's own. (I shall of course credit you with with the idea for the post - that hopefully sounds more like a compliment than a threat ...! ;).

  3. I've never seen any of these shows, but I have to wonder, where do they find these people? (I'm guessing.....Walmart?)


  4. That was hilarious AND heartbreaking all at the same time. The emergence of Reality TV as more than a fad is when I decided to cancel my cable subscription back in 2006. It's worse than a train wreck - it's like a train that goes on wrecking after it wrecks, and then wrecks some more!

  5. With the exception of a couple of episodes of an early 'Bachelor' I haven't seen any reality TV at all. I feel I'm missing out on some hilarious idiocy...must find some time to watch I guess...or nah...there's a beach I really should investigate further. Smiles - A.
