Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Mrs. Cranky and I married in December 2010.  12-11-10. Mrs. Cranky is a numbers nut.  The resort where we honeymooned put a sash over our door saying “Honeymooners.”  When we returned home we put the sash over our bedroom door.  It has been there ever since.  It may be coming down soon because it seems I cannot adjust.

I have no problem adjusting to married life.  I am quite happy.  Mrs. Cranky is unhappy because I cannot adjust. 

When I cook a steak I let it rest so the juice does not run out.  Mrs. Cranky wants her steak sizzling hot.

I cannot adjust.

When I drive her car from time to time because mine is blocked in, apparently I never get the seat back to the “Mrs. Cranky position.”

I cannot adjust.

When I shower and change the flow pattern on the shower head Mrs. Cranky claims I never return it to the “Mrs. Cranky spray position.”

I cannot adjust.

Mrs. Cranky complains that I shower with the door closed and this fogs up the mirrors.  Recently Mrs. C called me into the bathroom to hand her something while she was showering.  When I left, I did not close the door.  Apparently this was a major faux pax as she was trying to steam wrinkles out of a dress.

I cannot adjust.

While getting my wrist slapped over this latest error, I threatened to remove the sash. 

I am not allowed to drive her car.  I am not allowed to change the shower head spray.  Mrs. Cranky has to let the steak rest and if I see a dress hanging in the bathroom while she is in the shower, I have to “figure it the Hell out!”

We are both trying to adjust.

The sash is still on the door.     

Next Sunday June 3, is the Cut-a-thon: Cuts for a cure of Pancreatic cancer.  See:
Donations can be made through:


  1. you both don't have to adjust...only you do.

  2. Oh Cranky.....Life is all about compromise..
    Sneaky trip for you - next time you steam the mirror in the bathroom, get a small amount of shampoo on some toilet roll and rub it over the mirror, it may lather a little, but you will see that it dries clear again and it will help stop the mirror steaming up the next time!

    Have great day

    Lou :-)

  3. Some times it not adjusting but overlooking those things. Just remember not to leave the seat up on the toilet.

  4. Seems a lot of discord takes place in your bathroom. Do you have 2 bathrooms? She likes her steak served hot off the grill, you like yours to rest? Put her's on 5 minutes after you put yours on. Then you can start eating at the same time. Just a thought. :)


  5. Those are a bunch of good solutions.

  6. Lowandslow has got it right. Obviously he has adjusted...take some lessons there Cranky.

  7. I'm guessing that is why Lowandslow isn't working on his third like I am!


  8. for you Joe. I'm right there with you. :)

  9. As long as you don't leave the toilet seat up you are good to go :0)

  10. I guess there is no need in taking advise from L+S

    Let's just hope three is the charm.


  11. This September will be 20 years for my marriage. I can honestly say that we still bicker, disagree, argue and nag about the same things that we did waaaay back in our first year of marriage. I think we have simply adjusted to not adjusting. Works for us. Marriage is BORING without a little fighting here and there, anyway. The other day my husband came home in a mood and started griping right away about the messiness of the house, the piles of laundry, etc... and when I said, "Hey, what's your deal?" he simply said, "Nothing...I don't know, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm feeling a little punchy." So I bit my lip and said, "Fair enough. Just know that you better knock it off soon or else I'll have to start punching back." and I gave him a knowing look. And he changed his attitude and we ended up having a great day. Our biggest hurdle in marriage has been not so much changing the little annoying things, but rather not allowing those little annoying things to turn into something BIG. Because they simply aren't worth it! I think Mrs. Cranky needs to ... well, let some of those picky things of hers GO.

    Oh, and for the record, I live with a husband and 4 sons (and 5 daughters!) and I have to put the toilet seat down about 7 times a day. Seriously, what IS the big deal about doing that? LOL It's not hard to do, people! I'd rather put the lid down than wipe pee of the toilet seat 7 times a day from the boys NOT LIFTING IT UP!! I actually smile and appreciate the fact that they lift it up! Yay! Less work for me!

  12. Everyone needs to adjust including Mrs. She needs to understand that a steak needs to rest in order for the juices to come's still hot...and juicy. You know how to grill a steak...she needs to know to adjust and eat it!
