Monday, February 6, 2012



Thank you Mommy2cents  for this very prestigious award.  To accept I must tell seven things about myself and then pass the award on to 15 worthy bloggers.

1.    I am an old friggin man

2.    I have four children 40, 37, 35, and 13

3.    I have five Grandchildren

4.    I have one wife and 2 ex-wives

5.    I bowl in a league once a week and have a 184 bowling average

6.    I published a book “Maybe It’s Just Me!”

7.    I have sold 27 copies of my book

I pass this award along to 15 bloggers.  I am supposed to notify each blogger that I am passing this award to them, but if you are not going to check out my blog then it’s your loss!!  So if you are following and reading my blog, these entertaining bloggers can come and collect your award (I will notify Dr. Vinnie, he doesn’t have time to read my crap!) : Because You’re a Moron - Anna ?? Mommy Bags I guess

All of these blogs are a little bit different, all entertaining and most have been kind to the Cranky Old Man.  Check out their stuff!

A special shout-out to Doctor Vinnie who chronicles his amazing work commuting back and forth from Boston to Rwanda.  I hope he will someday bundle his blogs into a book.


  1. Hey Cranky thank you - you are most kind :-)

    Lou :-)

  2. I agree! Great blog. I had to force my husband to hold still so I could read some of your posts to him and you cracked him up too!

  3. Wow! Thanks so much! I love this blog award and was so surprised to see my name there!

    Congrats on selling 27 copies! I bet more are going to come...or leave... get bought? And I don't think 65 is that old! When you're 85 you can claim the title "old friggin man", okay? :)

  4. Yay for the blog award - thanks so much! You know I think you're awesome... even if we don't agree on what's entertaining during the Super Bowl ;)

  5. congrats! LOve the old crank! I'm a crank too (and getting old...)

  6. I know I already commented, but I felt compelled to comment again....don't just congratulate the man on selling 27 copies of his book - go out and buy one (I mean order form Amazon really) - it's a wonderfully entertaining book - I should know I bought one already!!!!!

    Sorry Cranky - hijacked your post there a little to try and push your book

    Lou :-)

    PS. I ma not related to cranky in anyway, therefore my praise for his book is completely unbiased and can therefore be trusted 100%

  7. Lou - Thank you so much for the kind words. My 26 close relatives agree with you!!

    Mrs. Cranky is on the fence.

    Cranky Old Man

  8. Thank you so much!! Wow!!

    Your comments and now commendation mean so much to me!!

    I look forward to many entertaining posts from you, and as are the friends, coworkers, and random stranger i force your words of wisdom upon.

    Again, thank you for your support. Looking forward to reading your new book!

  9. Mr Cranky yeo so far it is Mommy Bags I am not quite ready to reveal name because I am super paranoid....I am working on it. I am working on my one year mark so I might just do a happy anniversary here I am but I am still thinking about it. Congrats on your award and thanks so much for passing it along I am truly honored. As always you rock
