Saturday, September 3, 2011



I am honored that today I received my first Blog award.  Michael Ann Riley presented the prestigious “Versatile Blogger Award” to me.  I am overwhelmed!

The rules for winning this award are:
1) Thank the blogger who awarded you and link back to them.
2) Share 7 things about yourself.
3) Pass the award along to 15 other newly discovered blogs.

Fifteen newly discovered blogs?  Hmmm….Maybe the award is not THAT prestigious.  If my mathematics is correct by April 23, 2012 there will be no known bloggers who have not been given this award. Still I am pleased to receive it while there are still bloggers out there who have not been so honored.

Therefore thank you Michael Ann Riley from The Big Green Bowl

Seven things about myself:

1.     I am an old fart.  2.  I have four children, 40, 37,35 and 13; and five grandchildren 9-3.  3.  I am retired.  4.  I play golf, bowl, ski, blog, sleep and watch TV.  5. I was married for the third and final time December of 2010 to Mrs. Cranky.  6.  I have self published one book “Maybe It’s Just Me” (the consummate bathroom book) available at, or and will soon publish “I Used To Be Stupid.”  7.  I like everyone I have ever met, and I hate everyone else!

In passing the award along, my criteria is:

Versatility, entertaining, and or a blogger that has been kind to me.

The following meet that criteria: 

Vinnie Jr. is the son of a college friend and a Doctor who gives back.  In spades.

A one of a kind blogger

A fly-fishing fanatic

An Aussie mum blogger

Another Aussie mum blogger

Retired blogger from Utah but deserving of the award

(love my Aussie mums!)

Great pictures and down home No. Carolina chat ya gotta like Dan The Mountain Man

Tough time for a lovely lady, she deserves an award

I need more testosterone in my choices

Adding some religious flavor

A native New Yorker, need I say more?

A saga of a new beginning plus she bought my book!  Thanks Lou

 A good Glow Job (her phrase, not mine)

How can you not love Mrs. Woog?

Congratulations all!


  1. Congratulations on receiving this great honor! You are truly deserving of it. I, in turn, am honored that you would choose me as one of the recipients. It means a lot to me that you would think of me. Thanks for continuing to entertain the world with your wit and humor.

  2. Wow Joe - this is really cool, so congratulations on winning this wonder award and also thank you so much for deeming me good enough to become a recipient as well.

  3. Hehe love the Glow Job disclaimer :P Thanks :)

  4. Congratulation! On winning the award. Thanks for giving me the award and linking to my blog.

    Dan the Mountain Man
    Mountain Highs and Valley Lows

  5. Look at how accoomplished you are with all your sports, children, grandchildren, book AND your third marriage. I love these award things - you learn so much about bloggers. Thanks so much for the shout-out. Am honoured to make your list.

  6. Congrats! Your blog is fun to read :) And thank you for passing it along to me :)
