Sunday, August 23, 2020

Important Research

Important Research

The Cranky Old Man blog shutdown has temporarily been reinstated due to shit I just can’t believe and must comment.

During these painful virus shutdown days, days of illness, depression and death, I read an article about some very important research at a respected university.

While some of our most intelligent people are working to develop a vaccine to cure Covid-19; while some are fighting to find therapeutics to treat those with Covid-19, Temple University is studying the effects of a face mask and the attraction of one’s face.

The Temple University's College of Public Health and the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine has found in a small study that a surgical face mask actually increases the attractiveness of both the male and female face. 

(Apparently more study is needed on the attractiveness of gender-neutral faces.)

This study result is both interesting and disturbing to me.

Interesting that a surgical mask would make a person’s face more attractive.  Personally. the face mask is a bit off-putting to me. 

It may be attractive in a weird nurse-fantasy kind of way, but mostly I prefer to see a person’s face.  That’s just me, the study by the Temple University's College of Public Health and the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine says otherwise.  So that is interesting.

What is disturbing is that there is even a Temple University's College of Public Health and the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine. 

Who goes through four years of undergraduate school, three years in medical school so they can do research for a Center for Human Appearance?

“So, after 7 years of school and hard work, what do you want to do with your superior intellect and education?

“I am going to join the "Center for Human Appearance" and research what makes a person more or less attractive.  I particularly wish to study the effect of a surgical face mask and perceived attractiveness.”

“Well. That seems like a worthwhile study after a 7-year investment of time and work.  What will you do with the result of such a study?”

“Ah, well, we will release the result of the mask study so that people can…er…decide…um…I don’t know.  Wait, the fact that the mask makes one more attractive will convince everyone to wear a mask and thus help defeat Covid-19 and save the world!”

I feel better now. 

Keep up the good work Temple University's College of Public Health and the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine.